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Advisory Budget Minutes 2014/11/17
Sunapee Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
Meeting Minutes

Meeting held on 11/17/14 at Safety Services Building Meeting Room

Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm

John Augustine, Chair
Don Bettencourt
Spec Bowers

Topics of Discussion

  • Shared answers from town manager regarding questions asked by BAC about specific line items on 2015 revenue projection worksheet
  • Reviewed 2015 town budget data in aggregate relative to budget data for previous years and discussed trends
  • Discussed relationship between tax rate, net tax appropriation, and grand list
  • Briefly discussed alternative philosophical approaches to developing a budget in general (e.g., top down vs bottoms up)
  • Discussed what comments the BAC should make at the 11/17 Board of Selectmen’s (BOS) meeting to be held that evening

Action and Follow-up items

  • Continue data analysis on both town and school proposed budgets
  • Request appointment with BOS to present findings & suggestions on proposed town budget at December 1st meeting
  • Participate in school budget work session along with school board and school administration

Meeting Adjourned at 6:40 pm.